Property Owner Info

When renting your house to tenants there are two important things that Spring Valley Lake property owners need to know.

First, a property owner's membership is not transferable to tenants. Many people, including realtors, property managers, property owners, and tenants, mistakenly believe that tenants can use a property owner's membership cards because the owner has paid his/her assessment dues. This is incorrect.

Spring Valley Lake's Rules and Regulations (Section 2.6 on page 3) state, "Owners may allow anyone to use the passes except for tenants renting or leasing homes in Spring Valley Lake. Owners who allow tenants to use their guest passes are in violation of these rules and may be cited." A citation for misuse of Association ID cards or guest passes is $100.00. In addition, property owners could also lose their membership privileges.

Second, a property owner is responsible for the actions of his/her tenants and their guests. If a tenant incurs a citation for barking dogs, an unregistered vessel, or failure to maintain landscaping, then the property owner receives the citation and the bill for the fine. One unfortunate owner now owes several hundred dollars for a tenant's citations. Please make your realtor, property managers and tenants aware of SVL Rules and Regulations, CC&R's and bylaws.


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