Mojave Narrows Chateau



Click on the links below for additional information...

Mojave Narrows Chateau Initial Study
Notice of Availability
Notice of Completion
Preliminary Geotechnical Report
Appendix A: CalEEMod Annual Report
Appendix A: CalEEMod Summer Report
Appendix A: CalEEMod Winter Report
Appendix A: GHG Screening Table
Appendix B: Updated BRA 2016
Appendix B: Updated BRA 2017
Appendix B: Updated BRA 2018
Appendix B: Updated BRA 2020
Appendix C: Jurisdictional Delineation
Appendix D: Phase 1 Cultural Assessment
Appendix E: Non-Confidential - Final Archaeological Resources Testing & Evaluation Report
Appendix F: Hydrology Study
Appendix F: Off-Site Storm Water Drainage Report
Appendix F: Preliminary WQMP
Appendix G: Noise Assessment
Appendix H: Traffic Impact Analysis

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