Spring Valley Lake Association requires that all garage/yard sales held within the community be permitted and limited to a certain number per year. This is to ensure the residents/property owners of Spring Valley Lake are not conducting businesses out of their property (pursuant to CC&R Article VIII) and also to keep our community as private as possible, as these sales often times bring in non-association members of the High Desert.
- Permits can be obtained at the Community Building located at: 12975 Rolling Ridge Victorville, CA 92395 from 0600-2200 hours.
- We encourage all residents/property owners to obtain these permits at least three days prior to the scheduled garage/yard sale. However, in the event this is not possible, permits can be obtained as early as the same day, but only before the garage/yard sale it set up.
- All sales will be posted on our website, which is updated weekly on Thursday and Friday.
Architectural Policy and Procedures:
9.5 Garage/Yard Sales
Garage/yard sales are limited to four (4) a year, each limited to three (3) days in duration, and a maximum of one (1) in a thirty (30) day period. Any garage/yard sale exceeding the aforementioned restrictions shall be considered to be a business on residential property in violation of the CC&Rs.
Garage/yard sale permits are required and shall be obtained from the Public Safety office prior to the planned garage sale.
Garage/Yard Sale Signs
Garage/yard sale signs are only to be erected on the property owner’s property. Signs are not permitted on any San Bernardino County or Association owned properties.
- Signs that have been erected on any stop sign, street sign, electrical box, etc., will be logged, contact will be made with the resident/property owner conducting the sale, and a request for immediate removal will be made.
- A reasonable amount of time will be given for sign removal. If signs are not removed within the allotted time, Public Safety will remove the signs and the resident/property owner will be subject to a citation.
- In the event that Public Safety removes any sign, said sign will be held at the Community Building for no more than seven (7) days before it is disposed of.
Architectural Policy and Procedures:
8.3 Garage/Yard Sale Signs
A garage/yard sale sign may be temporarily erected on the resident’s property. Signs shall not exceed eighteen inches (18”) by thirty-two inches (32”) and can be displayed during actual sale hours only. Sales shall be approved in accordance with Section 9.5.
All garage/yard sale signs shall be removed at the end of each sale day.
San Bernardino County Ordinance
52.0120 Parking for Certain Purposes Prohibited
No person shall park a vehicle upon any highway or right-of-way for the principle purpose of: Using such vehicle to support a sign. Spring Valley Lake Association or their representatives do not have jurisdiction on the streets