
A sign that says No Trespassing or Loitering and a person jumping over a fence

Enjoyment of SVLA amenities are reserved for resident members and their bona fide guest.  To assist in protecting this privilege the Association issues passes for Associate Members, Tenant Members and Guest. Those enjoying the amenities, 12 years of age or older, must have these passes in their possession at all times. All persons on Association property are required to present their passes at the request of identified SVLA employees. This will aid the Public Safety and Lifeguard staff in ensuring that your amenities are protected from outside elements, overpopulation and so that any persons disturbing the quality of our services can be handled in a proprietary manner.
               Signs have been placed on SVLA property advising the public that the amenities are private property, reserved solely for our members and their guests. The signs list the membership pass requirements, time constraints and any other limitations that are subject to the specific amenities. Public Safety personnel will address these issues as needed and requested.
               Persons who are determined to be trespassing on SVLA property will be warned by Public Safety personnel and advised to vacate the premises. The following actions may result in a trespass warning:
                After Public Safety personnel have made the request for persons to vacate the premises, any persons who refuse to do so may be subject to arrest and/or citation from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department or Apple Valley Police Department. Any persons engaged in certain criminal acts on Association property may be subject to the same Law Enforcement response.
               If you have any questions regarding SVLA trespassing regulations please refer to the SVLA Rules and Regulations. You may also contact the Public Safety Department at 12975 Rolling Ridge Drive or by phone at (760) 245-6400 or 6409.

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