Vessel Inspections

Vessel Inspections Banner Displaying a boat diagram naming its parts

Registration of vessels with the Spring Valley Lake Association is done in a two step process. There is no particular order however; both steps must be completed successfully before SVLA registration stickers may be issued. Vessels will not be permitted to enter upon Spring Valley Lake without their current SVLA registration stickers and current VOP.

               All vessel owners must contact the Spring Valley Lake Association business office to confirm membership status, provide proof of state vessel registration (only applicable to powered vessels), minimum liability coverage and to pay SVLA vessel registration fees. For more information on this step of the process, please contact the Association business office at (760) 245-9756 or in person at 13325 Spring Valley Parkway.
               All powered vessels must complete an inspection by the Public Safety Department before their SVLA registration is complete. To aid in preparation for the vessel inspection, we have included the following checklist for vessel owners:
Powered Vessels
*There are no inspection or state registration requirements for non-powered vessels. However, all non-powered vessels must register with the Association office (no registration fee) and meet insurance requirements. Please contact the Association business office for any information regarding insurance requirements.
               Vessel inspections are done by appointment only and are conducted 7 days a week. Please contact the Public Safety Department Dispatch to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be made via phone at (760) 245-6400 or 6409, or in person at the Public Safety station at 12975 Rolling Ridge Dr.

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